This project attempts to explore the threshold between sound, visuals, and perception. Hoping to blur the lines in between, and investigate how perception and interpretation of sound affects our understanding of the world around us.

Our over-dependency of visual input for navigating the environment undermines the importance of our other senses. How can humans take a ‘synesthetic’ approach, and give hearing and imagining a larger role? Moreover, how can designers and artists utilize the same approach to stimulate those experiences?

The work is conducted by setting up frameworks for experimentation, exploration, and distribution. There seems to be no direct hypothesis or a goal, but rather a process that can help me collect insight on how the project might evolve into the future. Through refining and creating new experiments, exploring the prompts, and distributing the results; the project forms into a metabolic entity that can slowly grow, whether it succeeds or fails.

Participate and see the full exploration here.

See also: 
2023 - ongoing